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Two major items home buyers need to think about before contacting a realtor.

Many people find it useful to have a checklist and on any good checklist these 2 items should be the first items on that list. as they are essential to getting the ball rolling on your dream of home ownership.

The 2 major items a potential home shopper needs to begin to think about before contacting a realtor is to:

1. Determine how your credit looks.

Luckily in this computer age there are many ways for us to easily and quickly check our credit ad credit scores. There are multiple sites out there to check your credit for free.

Two that we like are and . If you have a credit score below 640 you may want to dive deeper into your report to see if there are opportunities to increase that score. Ways to that would be by dispute errors if there are any with the credit bureaus, make sure you are current with all monthly payments, and reduce debt where possible.

2. Get a pre-approval from a mortgage professional.

Once you know about your credit you should contact a mortgage professional and work on a pre-approval. But don’t just pick any mortgage professional as they are not all created equal. Do your research so that you can feel confident that the person you pick is knowledgeable and will take care of you as if they were buying their own home. Happy shopping!!!

If you have any questions about either of these items, please reach out to us today. We are happy to answer any questions.

Jason R. Richardson and the Richardson Lending Team at City First Mortgage are dedicated to closing your residential, construction or commercial financing loans. Jason is a second-generation mortgage banker. The Richardson family has been a pillar of the California lending community for over 40 years.

Jason specializes in digital marketing strategies and founded a digital marketing agency Richardson Digital Media™. Richardson Digital Media™ has quickly become a preferred marketing provider for real estate companies and nationwide mortgage lenders. Jason has won 9 President’s Circle of Excellence Awards for loan production over his career and was most recently honored as one of National Mortgage Professional Magazine’s 40 Under 40: The 40 Most Influential Mortgage Professionals and Most Connected+ Mortgage Professionals.

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